Tuesday 22 May 2012

Enjoy your Summer with “These”.

Going out in the scorching sun can leave you drained and it is vital to maintain body hydration. Apart from the regular intake of water, doctors recommend natural fruit juices and drinks. They are quick quenchers with ample nutrients and are better than aerated soft drinks with chemical preservatives and artificial flavours.


The juicy, red slices of watermelon are ideal snack options on a hot summer’s day.
Nutritional value: A wide range of minerals like fluoride, iron, sodium, magnesium and potassium, optimum sugar and dietary fibres, and also traces of vital vitamins are present. These strengthen the immune system and keep infections at bay. Watermelon is also a concentrated source of carotenoids, which prevent the formation of cancer cells.
Health benefits: Rich in antioxidants, watermelons can neutralise free radicals in body and reduce the risk of colon cancer and heart attacks. It reduces airway spasms in asthma patients. Beta carotene in watermelon sharpens eyesight. Apart from regulating salt content in the blood, it also eases inflammations and prevents diabetes.

Tender coconut

One of the most easily available cooling options on the roadside, tender coconut tops the list. Though the price has increased, it continues to be the first pick on a hot day.
Nutritional value: Both the flesh and water of tender coconut contain high moisture. Good amount of protein, fat, sugar, dietary fibre, potassium, iron and Vitamin C are also present, apart from the calories that can keep you brisk round the clock.
Health benefits: Keeps the body cool, kills intestinal worms, checks urinary infections, promotes growth, cures malnourishment and is effective in the treatment of kidney and urethral stones.


Best known as the base of salads, cucumber helps you instantly regain lost energy. It is also a great snack.
Nutritional value: Cucumber has 96 per cent water that is more nutritious than regular water. Its low calorie content makes it an ideal diet for people looking to lose weight. Vitamins such as thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and Vit.B9, calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium, zinc and iron are the major constituents.
Health benefits: Extremely helpful in keeping the body hydrated and regulating body temperature. It also helps in flushing out toxins, controls blood pressure, is beneficial for teeth and gums, promotes joint health, and stimulates hair and nail growth.


There’s nothing like our good old home-made ‘mor’ to beat the heat. Best served chilled in earthen pots with a hint of pudina, lemon, coriander leaves and cumin seeds, buttermilk definitely lifts your spirits on a hot day.
Nutritional value: Replete with the most absorbable form of Vitamin A, E and K, lauric acid and lecithin. It is also a vital source of the mineral selenium, has high anti-oxidant content and saturated fats, protein, calcium and iodine.
Health benefits: Primarily cures thyroid and adrenal problems, fungal infections, regulates cholesterol metabolism, protects arteries, boosts immunity and builds muscles. It also has strong anti-tumour and anti-cancer properties. Is a quick source of energy that promotes brain and nerve development and protects against gastrointestinal infections.
Expert Talk:
 “During summers, the need for glucose and water content in the body increases. Natural drinks go a long way in mitigating body heat and restoring salt balance. Moreover, drinking natural liquids cleanses the blood and eliminates toxins.”
 “For people who do heavy work, it is very important to drink water or fruit juices as it replenishes the carbohydrate content. A balanced diet plan should necessarily include natural drinks like buttermilk and lemon juices.”

ASTONISHING FACTS. U must know about it..

1)All the data contained in the DNA would fill a 1000 volume encyclopedia
2) Every time you sneeze some of your brain cells die.
3)If all the blood vessels in the body were straightened out and placed end_to_ end they would be long 1,00,00 miles long!
4)Turtles have been on earth for more than 180 million years
5) No of Alphabets, which SOUND AS WORDS: 10, They are 
B Bee
C Sea
G Zee
I Eye
Q Queue
R Are
S Yes
T Tea
U You
Y Why
6) A BUTTERFLY has 12,000 eyes.
7) A BLUE WHALE can eat as much as 3 tonnes of food everyday, but at the same time can live without food for 6 months.
8)The chineese guarded the secret of making silk for 3000 years.Anyone found revealing the truthwould be put to death as a traitor..
9) The chameleon’s tongue is as long as it’s body!It swiftly shoots out its tongue to capture insects for food.
10)The sound you hear when you crack your knuckles is actually the sound of nitrogen gas bubbles bursting.
11) It takes about 20 seconds for a red blood cell to circle the whole body.
12) The average person laughs 13 times a day.
13) The tongue of a blue whale is as long as an elephant.

Garlic as a PowerPod

Garlic’s medicinal properties are well known; so go ahead and add it to your diet.

For centuries garlic has been used as a medicinal and culinary substance in India, China, Greece and other countries. It has been used as a salve for everything from headaches to colds to infections and healing wounds. To some, however, the strong flavour of garlic is not very appealing; in fact repelling. Therefore, although garlic is a widely available spice, it is not very popular in some households.
Garlic does not make significant nutritional contribution to the diet because the quantities added to recipes are small. But even these nano amounts make a big difference to one’s health.
The biological benefits and the distinct odour of garlic are attributed to the many sulphur containing compounds; one of which is Alliin. This compound is converted to Allicin when garlic is crushed. Allicin is, perhaps, the principal bioactive compound present even in processed garlic.
Limited evidence supports an association between garlic consumption and a reduced risk of colon, prostate, oesophageal, larynx, oral, ovary and other cancers. This is due to diallylsulde, a potent bioactive component. Besides, the plant can also accumulate selenium, a trace element known to possess anti-cancer properties, from the soil.
Curtailing cardiac diseases.
One inexpensive way of curtailing cardiovascular diseases is to use generous amounts of garlic in cooking. Garlic consumption inhibits the progression of cardiovascular diseases. It can bring about small reductions in blood pressure. Some studies have shown it to modestly lower cholesterol levels, which is also a protection against cardiac diseases
Garlic, like aspirin, can reduce the tendency of blood to coagulate and form clots. Garlic have the ability to dissolve blood clots. Pharmaceutical supplements are used by patients with cardiac and vascular diseases.
Garlic can reduce homocysteine levels in blood. This toxic compound damages the cells that line the blood vessels, induces blood clots, loss of cognition and causes death of nerve cells. People with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease have elevated blood homocysteine levels.
Garlic is also called ‘Russian penicillin’. Fresh — but not stored or cooked garlic — is an antimicrobial agent against a variety of micro-organisms, including H. Pylori, implicated in gastric cancers. Topical application of garlic is effective in treating ringworm. Many studies have shown that garlic has antifungal and antiviral effects.
Adverse effects.
Are there any adverse effects associated with taking garlic? In some, it can cause mild stomach discomfort, especially when taken on an empty stomach. Add garlic to meals or sprinkle it on pasta, soups or even sambhar and chutneys. Swallow a clove of crushed garlic with water. The common side effect is “Garlicky Breath”.
Since garlic is also a blood thinner, people who take aspirin should be careful when including garlic regularly in their diets. Also discontinue garlic at least a week before any surgery.
How much? One clove of medium-sized garlic daily provides health boosting effects. Numerous over-the-counter supplements are available as are enteric-coated tablets. Those who don’t like the strong flavour can try deodorised capsules. It is indeed the cornerstone of good health.
Did you know?
Garlic can inhibit changes in the DNA and scavenge free radicals; both are implicated in cancers. It can also limit the transition of a normal cell into a cancerous cell, inhibit the growth of cancer cells, and even destroy the cancer cells.
Garlic can reduce plaque formation in blood vessels and help lower blood sugar levels.
Because of its antioxidant properties, regular intake of garlic can reduce the incidence of many age-related disorders such as cataracts, arthritis, and rejuvenate skin and promote blood circulation.
Garlic also promotes liver health and protects the liver from many environmental toxins and drugs such as the commonly used analgesic agent, paracetamol (Crocin, Tylenol).

What Is Blood Pressure? How To Reduce Blood Pressure?

The heart, a muscle about the size of a fist, is one of the hardest working organs in our bodies. Over the course of an average life span, it beats about two and a half billion times without ever taking a break.
Lower blood pressure naturally
Hypertension or high blood pressure is often a precursor to heart disease. High blood pressure that goes undetected or isn't properly controlled can lead to heart attack, heart failure, kidney failure, stroke or premature death.High blood pressure is one of the most preventable conditions.
What is high blood pressure?
Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood from your heart to the rest of your body. Normal arteries are smooth and flexible, and blood flows easily through them. As the blood moves through your arteries, it puts pressure on the artery walls. This is your blood pressure. High blood pressure (also called hypertension) occurs when your blood moves through your arteries at a higher pressure than normal.
High blood pressure can damage many parts of the body. If you have high blood pressure, you have a higher risk for stroke, heart disease, heart attacks and kidney failure. Control of your blood pressure can reduce these risks.

Simple ways to reduce blood pressure.

We can reduce your blood pressure by reducing your weight (if you're obese) and making a few small changes in your life.While medication can bring down blood pressure, it may cause side effects such as leg cramps, dizziness, and insomnia. Fortunately, most people can reduce their blood pressure without medication.
1.Go for power walks
2.Breathe deeply
3.Reduce salt or sodium in your diet
4.Reduce alcohol.
5.Go slow on the salt.
6.Reduce work and relax.
7.avoid smoking.
8.Take up tea.
9.Exerice regularly.
10.Pick pottassium rich produce.
11.Reduce work and relax ,Say no to max stress or tension..


TATA MEGAPIXEL : The electric car

A Concept Car With 100 KM Per Litre Mileage.Tata megapixel is a concept of of car with 100 km per litre.And can run upto 900 km on 1 hour battery charge.
At a time when fuel conservation is becoming imperative across the world, Tata Motors is aiming to make a car, Tata Megapixel, which can deliver up to 100 kilometres from a litre of fuel (under battery only power).
Tata Motors  presented 82nd Geneva Motor Show the Tata Megapixel, a new four-seater, city-smart global range extended electric vehicle (REEV) concept for the performance-seeking and environment-conscious motorist anywhere in the world. Combining a lithium ion phosphate battery and an on-board petrol engine generator for recharging on the move, the Tata Megapixel offers a range of up to 900km (with a single tank of fuel), path-breaking CO2 emission of just 22gm/km and fuel economy of 100km/litre (under battery only power)


The best feature the the Tata company is providing in The Tata megapixel is that its manages to charge 80 per cent of charging in just first 30 minutes of plugged in. The batteries can be recharged by an induction plate at the bottom of the car. When charge runs out, an auxiliary engine comes to the rescue. This is a 325cc single cylinder petrol engine that makes 30 bhp.
The car’s electric drive has four independent electric motors, one at each wheel. When parking, the electric hub motors drive the wheels in opposite directions, while the front wheels are turned at an acute angle, enabling an exceptional 2.8 metre turning radius. The at-home charging system is an innovative induction charging system. The car has simply to be parked over the induction pad for charging to begin.
The Tata Megapixel is powered by combining  four electric motors, each of which is hub-mounted, thus transmitting power to the wheels. These motors are powered by a 13 kWh lithium-ion phosphate battery pack and an on-board petrol engine generator for recharging on the move these lithium-ion phosphate battery allows the Megapixel to travel for 87 km on a full charge. The Tata Megapixel offers a range of up to 900km (with a single tank of fuel), path-breaking CO2 emission of just 22 gm/km and fuel economy of 100 km/liter (under battery only power).
The company, which surprised the world with ‘Rs.1 lakh car' Nano, on Tuesday unveiled the concept vehicle, which is a four-seater global range extended electric vehicle (REEV), meant for city driving.
The new innovation from the house of Tatas is likely to be commercially launched in around three years from now.

Summarizing its features we have:-
  • 13 kWh lithium-ion phosphate battery which charged up-to 80% in the first 30 min.
  • Along with battery its having 325cc petrol engine.
  •  It has four independent electric motors, one at each wheel.
  • Top speed 110Kmph
  • A double-sliding door system and the car’s B-pillar less design make entry and exit easy.
  • LCD display in the dashboard along with electric windows.
  • Having a fuel economy of 100Km/liter (under battery power).
  • To be Expected in the markets in End 2015 in INDIA.
The price of The Tata megapixel is estimated to be around 4 lacks INR and around 8000USD.



B Segment


L-ion Battery + 325cc Petrol
30bhp (petrol)


3504 mm
1673 mm
1405 mm


215/45 R16
2.80 mtrs.
Front Disk, Rear Disk
4 Automatic

Thursday 17 May 2012

"Eat like a King in the morning, a Prince at noon, and a Pauper at night."

"Eat like a King in the morning, a Prince at noon, and a Pauper at night."

Eating a good breakfast is important for blood sugar regulation, adrenal health and immune system health. You’ve just woke up from fasting for 8 hours and your body needs nourishment. Have some protein, carbs and fats for breakfast.
Give your body some good calories, vitamins, minerals and take your supplements at this time too. Eating a good lunch is also important since you have half of the day left.
A good salad, soup or healthy sandwich is a good idea at this time. Have a small afternoon snack around 3 or 4 pm to combat the afternoon blues. An apple, some nuts and water!! Have a small dinner. We, in this society, focus on dinner as a main meal of the day.
The problem is your digestive system would like to slow down at that time of day and here we are revving it up with a big meal. You can have your chicken, fish, beef, salad, veges or whatever you usually have just eat about half the size you usually eat. Then for some people I recommend a snack before bed to keep their blood sugar stable while they sleep.
This would be something like toast with peanut butter or other nut butter. You will actually sleep better if you eat this way because your body will be able to slow down more at night. It may take awhile to adjust to this but give it a try!

Thursday 10 May 2012
